
Situated on the shores of the Bay of Chaleur, Charlo is one of the oldest settlements in Restigouche County. Incorporated in 1966, this village presently has approximately 1400 citizens
While visiting Charlo, you will be charmed by its natural beauty (impressive landscape, abundant flowers and wildlife, beaches and lagoons), as well as by the events and facilities available to ensure a pleasant stay (Summer Splash Festival, Fall Fair, Blue Heron Camping, Aventuriers Ski Club and Chalet, NB Trail, Charlo Dam and Charlo Fish Hatchery).
The Great Blue Heron is the village’s emblem. It returns here each year to nest, much to everyone’s delight.
Did you know?
The bay of Chaleur is a member of The most Beautiful Bays in the World club.
614, Chaleur Street,
Charlo, NB, E8E 2G6
Tel.: (506)684-7850
Fax: (506)684-7855
[email protected]